Micro macro crime city 2
Micro macro crime city 2

micro macro crime city 2 micro macro crime city 2

“The pub is located in the east of the city, between Neptune Park and the hardware store.” The top of card two simply asks you to ‘Find the pub!’ Fernando was on his way to the pub when he found his hat had gone missing. Let’s take the tutorial case for reference. This is the first task and usually runs along the lines of ‘Find the…’ At this point, you move to the map and find the scene mentioned – an idea of where to look is usually given on the rear of the start card. After reading this aloud and showing the pictures to the other players, the top of the second card is revealed and read aloud. You choose your case and read the top, ‘start’ card, which introduces the main character and gives an overview of the case. The cases are graded one to five stars in terms of difficulty. Each case is packed into its very own envelop and varies in the number of cards. A single map, 120 cards split into 16 individual cases, and a magnifying glass. It doesn’t come much simpler than MicroMacro Crime City. Simplicity is a wonderful thing, especially when the end result produces such a wonderful way for a family to have some fun. He manages to get home but stumbles into his empty swimming pool and there, he meets his end! Manfred winces as the dart strikes him and starts to feel the effects of the poison. He buys some poison and somehow obtains a blowpipe, not sure on that bit yet, but he then follows Manfred and strikes from his hiding place in a bush. He argues with Manfred, obviously coming off the worst, and storms down the street intent on revenge. Yes, the big, expensive business suite, and there he is in the window arguing with someone, Manfred Von Freedman in fact. Further still, and here he is looking angry, stomping along the roadside, where did he come from. Further back, he’s in a shop, buying what appears to be some kind of poison. A wince on his face and a hand to the back of his head, what is it that’s bothered him? Looking around the area I notice a pipe protruding from a nearby bush, what’s this, I ask myself.īack in time, I find a small, weaselly looking man moving from bush to bush, following Manfred’s route alongside the park.

micro macro crime city 2

I move forward along the timeline again, to see where the change takes place. I follow his footsteps back, unsure they seem, as though he has had his fill of his favourite tipple.īut what’s this! Here he seems okay, walking, back ramrod straight, alongside the park, something is amiss. I have him, only moments before, wandering into his mansion’s garden, swaying side to side, with a pensive look on his face. Was it an accident? Was he pushed to his death? Or did something else, completely obscure, cause this wealthy gent to meet an untimely end? He was lying, face down at the bottom of his empty swimming pool.

Micro macro crime city 2